Forecasting Fury: Navigating the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season
May 13, 2024 03:00 PM
The 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season, which runs from June 1 through November 30, is expected to be a busy one due to the ripe environment forecast over this summer. While we can't predict how many will impact Pennsylvania, history has proven that these tropical systems, or what's left of them, can bring impacts to us.
Before we get into flooding and damages caused by tropical storms and hurricanes, let's talk about the hurricane hunters! These folks fly special planes into the heart of tropical storms and hurricanes to gather important info.
Imagine flying straight into a massive storm! That's what these brave crews do. They collect data like how fast the wind is blowing, how low the air pressure is, and what the temperature and humidity are like inside the storm. This info helps forecasters make better predictions about where the storm will go and how strong it'll be. By getting up close and personal with these storms, hurricane hunters give us a sneak peek into their inner workings.
In Pennsylvania, the top three listed are our typical troublemakers: rain, wind and tornadoes. However, some coastal areas in southeastern PA can be impacted by surges.
- 14 Named Storms
- 7 Hurricanes
- 3 Major Hurricanes
Five Hurricane Hazards:
- Heavy rain
- Wind
- Tornadoes
- Waves
- Surge
Rain (Flooding)
Inland river and flash flooding from heavy rain is by far our most common threat year round. Tropical systems can easily cause flooding with long-duration, heavy rainfall.
Half the lives lost due to flooding are in vehicles, often at night with limited visibility, so never attempt to drive through flood waters. You don't have to live in a flood zone to see the threat of flooding.
In fact, 20 percent of all flood claims are for properties outside of high-risk flood areas. Bottom line – assess what you would do if your home flooded and what you can do to mitigate those impacts.
Wind/Tornado (Damage)
Tropical systems do bring damaging wind and tornadoes. Recently, Isaias in 2020 and Ida in 2021 brought numerous strong tornadoes, resulting in injury and one death. Strong winds can bring down trees and create utility outages with impacts that can last for hours to days. Be sure to have a plan to live without power for a few days. Preparedness is key.
See our page on tropical storms, tornadoes, and severe wind for more information.